Freedom to Ridicule

Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Truth Behind Gangstalking

Gangstalking is real, and the lives of innocent people are destroyed for no reason, and the crime is so beautifully executed it leaves little evidence to trace by the average person, making victims dependent on law enforcement who are aware and in on the destruction of the victim.

Gangstalking involves a mix of negative propaganda and law enforcement cooperation. I have known of several innocent people who have been harmed by this practice, but as I said, the crime is beautifully executed and all those involved stick together to cover their own asses.

I believe that gangstalking works in a chain, and destroys lives like a virus. Just the way one catches a cold and does not know how or where they picked up the virus, but they are stuck with it until it runs its course. But, with anything that involves the cooperation of various agencies, especially government agencies, is highly organized and dangerous.

I have a theory that many of today's suicides and the shooters who go on mass murder sprees, and then kill themselves, are probably victims of gangstalking. Many people don't know why these people decide to kill themselves or others at their jobs or schools, but I can bet that it is related to gangstalking, because in gangstalking, the victim is isolated in a very cruel way that ends up taking place in every aspect of the victim's life. Work, school, community, and every place the victim has to go to interact with others.

It is said that the people who act against the victim are not aware that they are causing any harm by their actions, and that the perpetrators are actually innocents themselves, or people who have been coerced into participating against the victim.

Scientologists are known for gangstalking type tactics to silence people, but the perpetrators are other Scientologists, and that does not account for the cooperation of local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies, at least not in my case. I have no positive or negative connection to Scientology.

Masons too are known for gangstalking tactics to silence individuals, and Masons are known for their influence and alliance within the brotherhood of the organization, so it is possible that there could be cooperation from Masons who are in law enforcement, but that still does not explain the level of stalking that took place in my case.

Gangstalking sites have also blamed the government. Obviously the government is aware of the practice of gangstalking or the Federal agents at the FBI offices closet to me would not have participated when I consulted them about crimes against me that fell under federal law, namely cybercrime. It was not like I went to the FBI and blamed aliens or the supernatural. I blamed real people with real crimes that fell under federal laws.

Gangstalking sites have made so many outlandish claims such as mind control by radio waves, biological testing, and induced diseases, and if these claims were not a hoax, as I believe they are, then that definitely takes gangstalking out of the league of ordinary individuals.

The governments of the U.S., Russia, Germany, and Great Britain have been experimenting with mind control and radio waves to alter moods and make people cooperate for decades, and I think I will explore the other wild accusations of gangstalking sites in my next posts just for fun, as I don't believe that any of these tactics are involved in gangstalking.

I'm no conspiracy theorist by a long shot, I'm just an innocent victim of some one's diabolical plot to destroy the lives of individuals without leaving a trace, at least not a trace anyone is willing to investigate.

I believe that the gangstalking sites are filled with lies to make people like me look stupid if they tell people that they have been gangstalked. I found out about gangstalking after I had been stalked and assaulted. I had no prior knowledge of practices and tactics of gangstalking before I myself was stalked. I still believe the sites are a part of an Internet hoax, but in every lie there is a grain of truth, and in this case the grain is that gangstalking is real.