Freedom to Ridicule

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Death of the 4th Amendment: The Patriotic Act of Gangstalking

I have covered a lot here about gangstalking and how it applies to what happened to me. Today, I want to explore a correlation between gangstalking and the US Patriot Act.

I have often stated my dislike of the Patriot Act, but I have never really gone into detail as to why I have an issue with it. Today I will say why.

When someone is gangstalked it is said that their name ends up on "lists". Lists that allow things to occur in a person's life that are not ordinary and are meant to destroy a person's life. The tricky part is how people end up on "lists"

True enough, someone could make a lot of false reports to various agencies that in turn would be forced to check on the accuser's lies against innocent people. True enough, any jerk with a big enough grudge and a sick enough mind could call the authorities and make false reports to any number of social/political/law enforcement agencies that could open various investigations. All this being true, what does this mean to gangstalking.

In my case, my place on someone's radar goes all the way to the federal level and that's fact. The FBI was expecting me.

People can balk at this so called cause stalking, gangstalking, community harassment or conspiracy, but the truth is that this truly does happen to people, a lot of whom are innocent, but that innocents is covered with lies.

What happened to me did not happen over night, nor was I a random target. I'm not a felon and I have no criminal record. I have no history of violence or mental illness, and I am not currently or have I ever been mentally ill. So, that should automatically eliminate me from several " list" that might cause a person to be investigated/watched/gangstalked, right? Wrong. Absolutely wrong. A person does not have to ever do a thing wrong in order to be hunted by someone who wants their life.

One way for an innocent person to end up on a " list" is through a completely unrelated investigation, that has been made possible in recent times by the US Patriot Act.

The Patriot Act gave absurd legitimate abuse of power where it did not exist before. The Patriot Act at face claims to protect America and it's citizens from terrorists period. The USA Patriot Act is actually an acronym that stands for "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism.

On it's face, the Patriot Act seems pretty straight forward, but it has several loopholes. The Patriot Act states that its mission is to discover foreign threats and individual foreign targets plotting to compromise the security and safety of America by neutralizing the threats. The Patriot Act is supposed to protect Americans not open a police state where private citizens are monitored. Unfortunately, that was what the Patriot Act allowed as a loophole in a beautiful little document called a National Security Letter, better known as an NSL.

Prior to the US Patriot Act the rules of surveillance on private US citizens could be manipulated to open investigations, but a court procedure was still usually involved. When pre Patriot Act surveillance on a private citizen was needed, without notifying said citizen (post Hoover administration), the approval sometimes went through a special court using the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) established in 1978.

Like the Patriot Act, FISA was centered on foreign threats to the US, with one difference, private citizens were openly included if suspected as a threat to national security. The Patriot Act gave the power to open an investigation against a private US citizen without a court procedure. This new non regulated procedure created an abuse of the document known as an NSL.

The NSL gave power to the FBI to issue letters, and phone calls promising to produce letters at a later time, in an effort to procure information on any targeted individual without a need to notify the individual or a court of the request. The National Security letter was so abused by the FBI after the Patriot Act was established that an investigation into the abuses of NSLs by the FBI was launched by the Justice Department's Inspector General. The Inspector Generals investigation found NSL power was seriously abused by the FBI.

What does that have to do with gangstalking? Well it will definitely get an innocent person on a " list" and investigated in an instant. FBI agents are not always as big as the badges they carry, if you understand what I'm saying.

Here is one way how a National Security Letter (NSL) works. The FBI gets a tip or other reason to go on a "fishing expedition", which is fine if a specific/right target was established, but the FBI issues an NSL because they don't always know if they have a legitimate target or not. Think of an NSL as a fishing net being dragged through the ocean. If you drag a big enough net through the water you are bound to catch something more than the fish you are after. No legitimacy other than a bare hunch is required to open a "full" investigation into an innocent person's life using an NSL.

The most important part of the NSL is that it provides complete secrecy of the information requested about a group or individuals, because the company or person the letter is given to has to adhere to a "gag order". The NSL "gag order" makes it a federal crime punishable in prison for anyone to ever tell that they have been given an NSL.

If an NSL is served to a company like AT&T, Google, Facebook, Verizon, AOL or MySpace requesting records that's one thing, because most people don't personally interact with the Verizon, Google, MySpace, AT&T, AOL or Facebook teams. However, that doesn't make it legitimate or mean that the company has to provide the information requested, because an NSL is not an order. Most companies will willing comply with an NSL request, because it is information not detrimental to their operations in most cases.

Any company or individual receiving an NSL has the right to challenge the request being made, because it is not an official order issued by a judge, but a letter of request from an agency. If a person or business refuses an NSL request, than the agency making the NSL request would have to obtain a court order. But how many people are going to deny the federal government any requests for information, or question the legitimacy of the request made? My guess is very few.

All NSL requests come with a "gag order" forbidding any individual who receives one from speaking to anyone about the request. The "gag order" may have left many who received NSL requests from federal agencies, like the FBI, with questions about their rights and no one to turn to, because they are required under federal law not to talk about it.

A person or company receiving an NSL has the right to consult an attorney before carrying out the request, but not the right to talk about the request, unless the "gag order" is lifted by a judge. So what an NSL boils down to is a warrantless search, and a breach of the US Constitution (read 4th amendment).
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) seems to also see the US Patriot Act as a document in need of serious revisions for it's violations against American citizens.

Now imagine an NSL being served to a small place like someone's job, doctor's office, or the administration of someone's school, where this person interacts on a personal basis regularly. Now imagine what thoughts and suspicions would transpire at a person's job or school if this happened. Remember that neither the NSL or the agency delivering the request will tell why the information is needed, or nature of the investigation. So, depending on the intelligence of the person receiving the request it will be honored, and the worst case scenario will probably be conjured to mind by the receiver of the request. Imagine what damage a federal agent asking questions about a person would cause if that person was truly innocent.

Everybody knows that if the FBI comes looking for someone it usually isn't just for shits and giggles. And the truth can never be known by the NSL receiver, because they are forbidden by law from inquiring with the person under investigation, or anyone not a legitimate party to the request made for information.

The increase in suspicion alone could account for why gangstalking victims find it difficult to get assistance. If co workers, neighbors landlords and employees at establishments that are frequented by the victim think the victim is a criminal, than that would explain the coldness and withdrawal that gangstalking victims experience from others. Explaining the change in attitude that occurs in the people around gangstalking victims is critical, because it often has no clear reason. Especially if the victim is like me, and keeps up no trouble with anyone.

Now once a full investigation is opened on a person that person's name and information will go on a"list". This now means that any and all information about that person will be compiled. Everything from who that person knows, and where that person goes, what banks they use and how much money is in there accounts, as well as medical records will be compiled. The report will also cover who family and friends are, and if need be spying on them also to get to the suspect.
A full investigation also includes monitoring mail, and all communications. There is no limit on information gathering in a full investigation especially with an NSL.

During an investigation a dossier will be kept up on that person for as long as it takes to close the investigation, even if it turns out to be a false lead based on bogus information. As long as the person being investigated is of interest, there is no time limit depending on the crime in question, and all records are kept indefinitely, even when the wrong person was investigated. The least they could do is destroy dossiers on innocent people, but once of interest always of interest.

So, if a full investigation is launched against an individual or a group by a federal agency that means access will be granted be it by court order or request. In gangstalking many victims report that there homes are entered but nothing is taken. It might be possible that they were let in by a landlord who wanted to cooperate with an investigation, or a skilled citizen informant, which would require moving things, but not taking valuables. There is always a way into a persons home for a federal law enforcement agency, even passed locked doors and alarm systems.

The victim might even unknowingly let in an investigator who is undercover as a repair person for a utility (cable/gas/electric/phone) a sales person, or through the acceptance of a gift service. Once inside the residence, an agent gets the chance to look around without a warrant or tipping off the suspect. Once in a person's home, certain investigative tools can be used or left behind for monitoring. This is not my wild imagination, but a practice that is common to investigations. I've been at the bureau and seen the costumes on agents first hand.

There are several ways a person can end up on a "list" secured with an NSL without being the intended target as well. Let's say you use a public computer (Internet cafe, library, dorm etc) to check your email one day, and on the same day someone else after or before you uses the same computer to visit a website of interest to the FBI (or other federal agency). The website could be considered anti American, and that person made an anonymous post with what was considered to be terrorist views to that particular website. The FBI could in turn issue an NSL to request that the business release all server information that would reveal who was using that computer or using the network. The requested information will not necessarily reveal the anonymous individual who was on the computer just before or after you, but it will reveal that you were there (and possibly everyone else who was there that time of day) and now you would be considered a suspect/person of interest. That's one way to end up on a " list" when you have done absolutely nothing wrong.

Another way might be to have friends and family who live outside of the US, as most people do. The US Patriot Act, along with other US National Security agencies gives the power to monitor any and all communications as long as one of the parties is outside of the US, with or without a secure threat of terrorism. For example, say a US citizen IMs or calls their brother who lives in the middle east on a regular basis. Say the brother in the middle east has a neighbor they talk to who is not part of a terrorist group, but a guy the brother's neighbor works with and talks to regularly is alleged to be a member of an anti American terrorist group. The suspicion is enough to go fishing/monitor everyone involved to see if the co worker talks to the neighbor, and the neighbor talks to the brother, who in turn talks to his brother living in the US about anything terror related. What any of these people actually are talking about is irrelevant, because what they "might" be talking about is relevant. That scenario brings the National Security Agency (NSA) to mind more so than the CIA. Now that's what I would call paranoia, but it's called an investigation in certain circles.

I'm just telling you some ways that an innocent person can end up on a US government " list" that can then in turn lead to 24hour surveillance as described in some accounts of gangstalking (Including mine), where a victim is pursued all day everyday without any logical reason, because they have committed no crime. Private citizens are also used in gangstalking and the use of private citizens in investigations is not new.

As always I encourage all interested to do their own research and not just take my word for it. But as a victim and researcher, I am more than qualified to speak on this than are a lot of people. I am not a "conspiracy theorist", but a first hand witness.

My philosophy stands as "there is always a logical explanation". I have yet to read any conspiracy theory strong enough to prevent me from debunking it. A conspiracy is merely a bunch of facts without a nexus. I sell no conspiracies here because I have the Nexus. I just haven't given it all up yet. I won't until it is advantageous for me to do so.

It's very interesting that many of the first rampant accounts of what is describers as serious stalking by multiple people goes back to about 1996 here in the US.

For me, my stalking was established over a period of years, and hit it's peak for just a few years. I don't get stalked in an obvious fashion by the same or different people anymore. I am still under surveillance from time to time, and the only reason I know this is because someone wants me to know. I have no other means of knowing when I'm being surveilled over my cell phone, in my car or otherwise unless they let me know. I guess this is how it felt to live under Russia's KGB or Hoover's FBI. Bush's America, God bless it with the help it needs.

I often found that the idea was to have me know I was under surveillance to mess with me the way cats do with their prey. Cats love to torture, maim and harass their victims before either killing them or letting them go. Gangstalking is called a game for good reason, as it is all about toying with every aspect of a person's life with no good reason.

It is possible that I was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and that was how my name ended up on a "list" I could have also more simply been the object of someone's profound hatred and mental instability, who in turn had the ability to get me surveilled and investigated.

The bottom line is that out of all the causes that I have explored in finding out how and why I was targeted and assaulted, this is the most plausible. Yet it still makes no sense to me given what I have experienced.

If I ended up on a "list" because of an NSL information request, a FISA order or any legitimate investigation, that investigation would not have taken years to carry out or years to end, because logically it would have been concluded to be based on false information in a relatively short period. Perhaps I'm putting too much belief in logic.

The length and expense of my stalking over several years, as well as the choice to assault me in the process, leads me to believe that something more than just the Patriot Act and an NSL initiated my stalking, and the stalking of others. Yet a full investigation into my life could have all started this way, with information about me gathered with a hand delivered letter by federal agents or a phone call from federal agents making an NSL request ( without ever providing an actual letter) for my personal information.

The FBI is also notorious for it's use of citizen informants in investigations. This practice is also used by the CIA and police. Citizen informants are often recruited from the civilian populous for their easy access to targets. Many of the citizen informants are co workers, neighbors, and anyone else that law enforcement can trick, manipulate, entice or coerce into spying on someone.

As with all investigations there are rules, even with citizen informants, which means that these people are often bound by law not to speak of their involvement unless called to testify in legal proceedings, and this does not often happen, because citizen informants are frequently asked to do illegal business under the careful watch of law enforcement agencies.

Citizen informants are civilians and therefore have absolutely no access to information about the nature of an investigation and the proper way to conduct an investigation, unless it is given to them. No civilian informant will ever be given full if any information about a target and the reason for any investigation their assistance is used in, because to do so would compromise the entire investigation. Remember "Loose lips sink ships".

Citizen informants have a dual role in investigations. The first role is their easy access to the target because they are already at the jobs or in the neighborhoods of the targets. By using people already around the target the level of suspicion raised by the target is minimized, and it is more likely that the target will not alter their behaviors. Also citizen informants are positioned around a target 24hrs a day already, how convenient is that?Gangstalking also uses citizen informants 24hrs a day. Non civilian spies are still planted around a target, but civilian spies lessen the number of unfamiliar people that start showing up around a target. Gangstalking also uses law enforcement to watch targets. I can't speak for every victim, but I do know that the police were around me way too much.

The second role of citizen informants is to do the job of assisting in an investigation on a target that would be illegal for the law enforcement agency to conduct by law. Citizen informants are private citizens which means that they can spy on targets in ways that law enforcement agencies can not lawfully do. Citizen informants help law enforcement agencies to conduct unlawful investigations on targets period. The methods can mean anything from illegal surveillance to break ins as well as entrapment. Remember that gangstalking victims homes are broken into, but no valuables are ever taken.

I've read on gangstalking sites about victims recounting entrapment, but they call it street theater, because they don't know what it really is. The street theater in gangstalking is meant to provoke a mentally unstable reaction of the victim in front of witnesses or law enforcement so that an arrest or police report can be generated, which is a type of entrapment. I did experience this type of entrapment where I was constantly being placed in extraordinary situations by strangers, only to look around and find police were right there watching and or taking notes. Coincidence?

Citizen informants are not trained investigators but instead individuals who have been given a federal license to be nosy. Law enforcement and federal agencies love the gullible nature of most citizen informants and they take advantage of them every step of the way. Now how many people would be comfortable knowing that someone at their job or in their neighborhood, who had absolutely no training, no real guidelines and no direct supervision, was being asked to say or do things around them, and make serious reports on their activities to police or federal agencies? My guess is not too many people would find that comforting. I'm sure your co workers and neighbors are great, but how great would they be towards you if they thought you committed a crime, and law enforcement flashed badges while asking them to spy on you?

Just because a citizen informant is told not to talk doesn't mean that they will keep quiet, or that they will not be introduced to others citizen informants who are spying on a target. Oh yes, and citizen informants are paid money (unless other arrangements are made) for their services. You didn't think they do it for free did you? Gangstalking uses private citizens to follow targets too. Coincidence? Maybe?

My low profile lifestyle made it very easy for me early on to notice that I was being followed when I was. I don't suppose that that is the case for every victim.

In most parts of the US, If you say your neighbor is selling drugs or molesting children as an anonymous tip that tip has to be investigated, but by who and for how long? Most law enforcement agencies don't have the time or resources to chase false accusations for very long. It would seem that a routine investigation would reveal innocence of the individual, unless gross misconduct was to blame.

It is true that agencies vary from state to state. Investigative agencies exist at the local, state and federal levels, all of which can have overlapping information. In my case, that is exactly what happened.

Police would not take reports on legitimate crimes I tried to report just prior to my assault, and because of the lie given to police I had trouble getting a report after my assault. Federal agents let me know that they were a part of my problem, by letting me know they knew and had no intentions of helping me. My stalking and assault some how does not gel as the product of the US Patriot Act alone or an NSL, but something much more powerful, ignorant and sinister. I made previous mention of the profits being made at my expense, as well as a corporate and Hollywood connections to what happened to me in correlation to being stalked.

The amount of smear that was started against me is usually reserved for "influential people" and/or those who appose "influential people". What I experienced usually happens to politicians, celebrities, people in lawsuits with major corporations, or those who hold trade secrets. To my knowledge none of the aforementioned apply to me.

Yet, suspicions created by the actions of law enforcement requesting information and using civilian spies would undoubtedly start negative propaganda against a target. Any number of conclusions could be drawn by someone being questioned by law enforcement about a target. If the individual being questioned wants to believe the worst about a target they will. It is said that gangstalking victims are often painted by their stalkers as drug dealers, sex offenders, child molesters/abusers, addicts, mentally ill, prostitutes, murders (and the like) within their communities, even when the target has committed no such crimes.

Money was a bigger motivator to my stalkers than anything, and it was the money and business deals that have left me the biggest trails. It is a fact I was investigated, but by whom initially is important, because it did not have to be law enforcement even though it ended with them.

Why would anyone pay a private investigator to follow a person who has no political or high profile ties? Maybe because that person knew information. Information was important to the bottom line. Yet somewhere along the way I pissed off my stalkers royally to the point of them wanting my life, reputation, career and relationships destroyed. They even went the extra step by trying to run me off the road several times and finally assaulting me.

Although I am outspoken, I don't get up on a platform and preach my beliefs and ideas to the world (until now anyway), but that did not stop me from making someone very uncomfortable. I'm not exactly certain what I did or said that made me a threat (I feel I'm pretty harmless), but I do know that the fear of threat grew as I was spied on.

Okay, I do have a general idea as to what I said and did, but it was all harmless really. Someone wanted something from me enough to follow me and spy on me 24hrs a day for several years and somewhere in there I gave them the reason they were looking for. It's said that if you look at anything long enough or hard enough you will find the flaw and if not make one up. If someone was being paid to find something then that is what they are going to do, be it real or created.

Negative propaganda against a target is very much a part of gangstalking activities.
The negative campaign against me made it to my local police department long before I tried to report any crimes, so that no one would believe I had told the truth. Had the police not of been so stupid I may have never been assaulted in the first place. When a woman goes to the police and says she is being followed and would like to file a report, but the police refuse to take a report, the situation screams police cooperation. Every officer I spoke to was more concerned with rather or not I had a boyfriend than if a crime had occurred. I got the impression that the stupid officers I encountered thought I was talking to them because I was attracted to cops and that was the reason, in their minds, why I was at the station so much. I don't think it actually crossed any officer's mind that I was there because I seriously needed police services. Chauvinism and ignorance at its finest.

I have one more body of evidence to lay on the table and autopsy that concerns the why and how this crime chooses victims, but that will have to wait until another time.

I haven't forgot what I have started here when I'm not posting. I don't think anyone really has an idea of what I'm dealing with in my life right now. I'm not here all the time anymore because i'm simply trying to end the reasons that brought me here in the first place. This aside from ending my life.

All I've written since I came here is true. I paid a heavy price for the experience of knowing this information, and I'm not sure what price I will pay for sharing the rest of what I have with others. Truly, that price doesn't matter to me anymore, because I have lost so much already. I still have to give the names of my perpetrators, so that they may be held accountable for what they have done. I'm not their first or only victim, but I think I am the only one of the victims who is strong enough to make them be held accountable for their crimes. My dots have had three years to be connected up. These people will be forced to own up to their deeds, and I'll put my life on the line to do it.

So for the record that is my chief problem with the US Patriot Act. And although there appears to be a lot of strong similarities between an investigation into a person by law enforcement and ganstalking victim's accounts (me included) I will not officially rest my beliefs here.

The correlation between gangstalking and a full investigation by the police or FBI or other agency should not be conclusively drawn at this time, because of the connections to several major corporations. The amount of misconduct, willful neglect and misappropriation of public resources it would take for law enforcement to be the chief players in the crime is staggering, and although available, it does not account for private profits within several major corporations, or does it?

Enough money can mimic a federal investigation if someone has infinite amounts to spend on a private investigation. Why would anyone be willing to spend tens of thousands of dollars to investigate private citizens?

That is a question to be answered another time, as it is the main part of the nexus.

No deed goes unseen by God. What was done in the dark is steadfast coming to the light. Facts don't tell lies.


  1. Hi this is Randy, I decided to check your blog, as before I only skimmed it. The Patriot Act is unconstitutional and a problem, but if it was repealed, the number of domestic targets may be reduced, but it will still go on. Many TI's have been targets well before the Patriot Act. I believe my covert surveillance started in 94. This kind of stuff has been going on in societies for long time, however not at this level of numbers and organization, esp globally as some TI's have reported. Secret societies like Rosicrucians and Freemasons have used these tactics going back a couple hundred years.
    It seems to me many of these cops are part of it. Being chauvinist and clueless is just to annoy and frustrate you. Maybe they are bothered by your being alone, not always having boyfriends etc like alot of women do and are also trying to hint that maybe if you got involved with them etc. which of course is a con. Its possible you were targeted just out of plain jealousy or rejecting someones advances.

  2. The revision of the Patriot Act is important because it will end the foundation of the police state that is building from it. Most Americans are not involved in politics, so many laws are never challenged as soon as they should be or if at all. The Patriot Act, without revisions to establish clear guidlines to protect 4th Ammendment Constitutional rights, is a serious issue. If Americans really understood the law they would understand the urgency to change it. The abuses would not continue if new provisions were put into place that restricted law enforcement from conducting dirty investigations and regulated the techniques used by private investigators, as private investigators have fewer legal restrictions when conducting investigations. Also, it would be necessary to add and change the laws that are already in place to prevent private individuals and groups from engaging in this type of abuse, by making it a crime to do so.

    You are right Randy, gangstalking tactics have been around for centuries. Many societital organizations, both secret and not so secret have engaged in silencing people with similar tactics, but gangstalking is different from all previous types of stalking used by individuals and groups. Even in Hollywood they have a saying and it's "you'll never work in this town again" when an individual or group is blacklisted. Gangstalking is different because the victims don't officially have to do anything that would conflict with the goals of any individual or group. I covered Masons a few blogs back and why they are unlikely candidates for the crime, but not entirely unlikely candidates. As you go up the chain of who's who in gangstalking it becomes more clear that it would take a lot of cooperation to target someone successfully and an organization much bigger than Freemasons. Money is the key factor in tracing the crime.

    As for being stalked out of jealousy, that is very very likely, as people can be stupid. As for being targeted because of being single, I wasn't single. I didn't reject anyone's advances, but if you read my blog on Sergeant Tod Opdyke you will find that police do engage in harassing women, and that a family member of mine was a victim to such harrasment by then officer Opdyke some years ago. That is also something else I'm not supposed to remember. If someone wanted to approach me romantically they failed miserably in making their interests known, and never gave me the opportunity to offend them with my rejection.

  3. this has been happening to me for the last two years!!!by law enforcement in wa state created by false stories generated by a cheating spouse .ive been followed by up to twelve individuals at a time i recovered a blackberry loaded with spy warewhich its only function was to track me and my cell calls and text to the point they tried re writining my texted .I video taped my phones screens being diverted to other numbers and have downloaded the blackberries info to find my call lists and passwords in it as well as a mirrored image of my own calls .

  4. Your article was so smartly put together and I am glad I read it! I am worried that there seems to be an allusion towards suicide in the title of your blogspot. There is no evidence, whatsoever, that death has been shown to end suffering. Please consider staying here and writing your elected officials in order to set America straight at this fragile time. Amend the Patriot ACT! -akasolia

  5. Yeah that can definitely happen. If your ex or anyone close to you has access to your phone it takes just a few seconds to download the software to your cell phone in order to spy on you. The cell spy ware can track your texts, calls and voicemails. Some software can even make calls from your phone so that your phone can be used as an eavesdropping device. You should probably kick your ex's ass in some non physical way like a set up. No one close to me downloaded anything to my phone. The only time anyone had access to my phone was at the cell store or across the network. I've heard certain phones like Blackberry are susceptible, but I myself have never owned a Blackberry or plugged my cell into a computer to download things, so that narrows how my phone could be accessed.

    If you were being followed because of false allegations made by your ex you should get that person prosecuted, because it is against the law to knowingly give false or misleading information to local, state or federal law enforcement at all times concerning criminal activity.

  6. As for amending the Patriot Act, that is something that must happen and is inevitable as people realize more and more what the laws mean for them. Unfortunately there are other laws that are just as violating to civil liberties as the Patriot Act is. If more people would become informed and understand what is going on in politics it would benefit all of us. Instead people vote based on biases and ignorance to what they are really voting on. You have jokes about the title of my blog "akasolia"? Death proves that life ends and no other proof to the end of a person's suffering beyond that is needed.
